C L ASSIC AL A UDI O CENTAUR FREDERIC CHOPIN CENTREDISCS DEREK HOLMAN PRELUDES, OP. 28 A PLAY OF PASSION DEREK HOLMAN PASSION Colin Ainsworth Stephen Ralls Bruce Ubukata A PLAY OF CRC3502 | 044747350226 1 CD | SRP US $16.99 CA $20.99 COMPOSER: Frederic Chopin • Diana Jaworska brings us Frederic Chopin’s 24 Preludes on this new release. • Now living in France, Jaworska was born in Poland in 1968 and has worked her way into the Classical music world with her eloquent musicality.• CANADIAN ART SONG PROJECT CMCCD 23016 | 773811230163 1 CD | SRP US $16.99 CA $20.99 COMPOSER: Derek Holman ARTIST: Diana Jaworska (piano) • This is the second recording dedicated to the songs of celebrated Canadian composer Derek Holman. Canadian Art Song Project has partnered with the Aldeburgh Connection to highlight works that emerged from relationships nurtured for decades between Holman and pianists Stephen Ralls and Bruce Ubukata and tenor Colin Ainsworth. • A Play of Passion highlights a group of Holman’s songs written specifically for Ralls and Ainsworth, artists well known for their dedication to song and recital repertoire such as The Heart Mislaid and The Lasting Spring. ARTIST: Colin Ainsworth (tenor) • Stephen Ralls • Bruce Ubukata (piano) PHYSICAL ONLY CENTAUR ANASTASIA SEIFETDINOVA CHALLENGE CLASSICS JOSPEH HAYDN SIX PIANO SONATAS CRC3517 | 044747351728 1 CD | SRP US $16.99 CA $20.99 COMPOSER: Muzio Clementi • Modest Mussorgsky • Robert Schumann • After Anastasia Seifetdinova’s Carnegie Hall debut in 2006, the New York Concert Review wrote: “For a critic, hearing a new pianist with a truly warm, luscious tone is like breathing in the scent of jasmine blooming - a pleasure to be recalled again and again - and so I’m happy to report did from the first not she touched at her Weill Hall recital, she was a genuine pleasure to listen to every piece, every measure, every note...”• • The second disc by Einav Yarden, she performs Beethoven and Stravinsky flawlessly. • “She pairs up Beethoven with Stravinsky to striking effect, merging that unlikely couple with imagination and exceptionally vivd playing.” • Along with Beethoven and Stravinsky, this release has some rarely recorded Haydn sonatas as well. CC 72742 | 608917274226 1 Hybrid SACD | SRP US $18.99 CA $22.99 COMPOSER: Jospeh Haydn ARTIST: Anastasia Seifetdinova (piano) ARTIST: Einav Yarden (piano) 31 NAXOS OF AMERICA | NAXOS OF CANADA | NEW RELEASE GUIDE