CLASSIC AL A UDI O HECTOR BERLIOZ ROMÉO ET JULIETTE CKD521 | 691062052122 2 CD | SRP: US $34.99 CA $41.99 COMPOSER: Hector Berlioz ARTIST: Katija Dragojevic (mezzo-soprano) • Andrew Staples (tenor) • Alastair Miles (bass) • Swedish Radio Choir • Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra • Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra • Robin Ticciati (conductor) TRACK LIST: Disc 01 01. Introduction instrumentale 02. Prologue. Récitatif harmonique. “D’anciennes haines endormies” 03. Strophes. “Premiers transports que nul n’oublie!” 04. “Bientôt de Roméo” - Scherzetto vocal. “Mab, la messagère” 05. Roméo seul. Tristesse - Bruit lontain de bal et de concert 06. Grande fête chez Capulet 07. Nuit sereine. Le jardin de Capulet, silencieux et désert Disc 02 01. La reine Mab, ou la Fée des songes 02. Jetez des fleurs pour la vierge expirée! 03. Roméo au tombeau de sCapulets 04. Invocation - Réveil de Juliette - Joie délirante, désepoir, derniéres angoisses et mort des deux amants 05. La foule accourt au cimetiére - Rixe des Capulets et des Montagus 06. Air. Pauvres enfants que je pleure 07. Serment de réconciliation • Robin Ticciat’s deserved reputation as one fo the great Berliozian’s of our age is evident on this recording, his second, with the award-winning Swedish Radio Symphony. • Romeo et Juliette was considered a pinnacle of French Romanticism and a brilliant example of Berlioz’s orchestral mastery. The piece is one of the most original conceptions of the 19th century - deftly poised between symphony and stage drama. • Robin Ticciati fully communicates the range of Berlioz’s imagination; he brings an innate understanding of the romanticism of the music and succeeds in delivering a performance that is brimming with color. ALSO AVAILABLE: Ticciati / Berlioz CKD440 691062044028 CKD 421 691062042123 CKD400 691062040020 DISTRIBUTED BY RELEASE DATE: 10/14/16 NAXOS OF AMERICA | NAXOS OF CANADA | NEW RELEASE 65